Learn the Disturbing Facts About "Amnesty Andrew" Hayes

On December 22, 2022, “Amnesty Andrew” Hayes at a press conference demanded immediate “state, federal resources for incoming asylum-seekers.” (source: KPBS News)

At the press conference, “Amnesty Andrew” Hayes embraced the Democrats’ false border narratives and supported Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom‘s calls to:

  • “Welcome with open arms those seeking refuge”
  • “Provide the basic necessities such as housing, employment and nutritional support, and medical and behavioral health services.” At taxpayers’ expense!

“Amnesty Andrew” Hayes demanded the county “Identify migrant shelter sites for asylum seekers” in San Diego!

On 11 separate occasions, Andrew Hayes was asked to sign on in supporting the CA Voter ID Initiative — and REFUSED. (Source: Salesforce data tracking)

In a December 2022 story in Cal-Matters entitled “California Isn’t Financially Ready for Title 42 to End,” the media reported that Hayes joined Governor Gavin Newsom in calling for taxpayer funding for illegal immigrants.

“Newsom has been complaining of a lack of federal support for asylum seekers and immigrants…. Local officials pointed to needing more funding for schools, hospitals, and police services, among other resources, if Title 42 eventually lifts… ‘I’d like to know what the plan is for our schools and to help lift all of our students,’ said Andrew Hayes, board president of the Lakeside school district in rural eastern San Diego.” (Source: CalMatters)

Andrew Hayes opposes Donald Trump on border security and illegal immigration and is funded by the biggest Never-Trump donors in California — he is the anointed candidate of the Sacramento Swamp special interests!

Hayes is endorsed by the first congressman to demand a criminal investigation against President Trump!1

Andrew Hayes refused to support Trump in 2016 & 2020 and is now lying to voters and trying to cover up his long history of being a Never-Trumper.

Sources: 1. TIME Magazine/ Interview with Bill Maher and Andrew Hayes for Assembly Facebook

Andrew Hayes has worked for Sacramento politicians for nearly a DECADE — being paid with your tax dollars — and is the “go-along-get-along” status quo candidate. Hayes is now taking support from Democrat interest groups.

“Amnesty Andrew” Hayes’ campaign is funded by Sacramento special interests who support Gavin Newsom!

Andrew Hayes voted twice to impose radical transgender mandates in his own school district!

  • Andrew Hayes allows men calling themselves women to use the girl’s restrooms and locker rooms — with no age restriction
  • Andrew Hayes punishes teachers who refuse to use pronouns
  • Andrew Hayes lets children pick their own gender at school —and keep it a secret from their parents

See for yourself below! Andrew Hayes took the following votes on the Lakeside Union School Board.  

On October 11th, 2021, he voted to approve administrative regulation 5145.3, you can find his vote on Page 4, item 7.3.

11.10.21-min.pdf (lsusd.net)

The regulation is included here, and I’ve included some excerpts below.

11.10.21-General-Packet-1.pdf (lsusd.net)

Pages 720-723

On August 11th, 2022, he again voted to approve administrative regulation 5145.3, you can find his vote on Page 3, item 5.2.

8.11.22-min.pdf (lsusd.net)

The regulation is included here.

8.11.22-General-Packet-2.pdf (lsusd.net)

Page 173-182

Excerpts of Administrative Regulation 5145.3

"Examples of types of conduct which are prohibited in the district, and which may constitute gender-based harassment include but are not limited to:

Refusing to address a student by a name and the pronouns consistent with the student's gender identity.

Blocking a student’s entry to the bathroom that corresponds to the student's gender identity.

Names and Pronouns: If a student chooses, district personnel shall be required to address the student by a name and pronoun consistent with the student's gender identity.

Uniforms/Dress Code: A student has the right to dress in a manner consistent with the student's gender identity, subject to any dress code adopted on a school site.

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